Thursday, 22 December 2011

Are You Needy and in Trouble? Some Thoughts on Christian Workaholics.

"Evil looks like busyness. Evil looks like workaholics. Somebody who's a workaholic in the Christian church' everybody pats them on the head and goes 'Your some committed, your so dedicated'. No, you're needy and you're in trouble." - Mark Yaconelli (from an interview in January's Christianity Magazine.

A couple of weeks ago I was having a good old moan on Facebook about the fact that between the middle of November and the middle of January I had no church services to lead and no sermons to preach.  During the great times of Advent and Christmas I would not have the opportunity to lead God’s people in worship or to bring His word to them.  I love leading worship and I love preaching, I feel called by God to do them and I felt very frustrated that I had no opportunity to serve in that way.

Several very wise people pointed out that next year, when with God’s grace I will be serving on a Circuit as a Probationer Presbyter, this will be one of my busiest times of the year and I will probably be feeling rushed off my feet.  God, in his wisdom and love, has given me a break this year and I should be appreciating it instead of complaining about it.

I am one of those people who likes to be busy for God, to serve Him as fully as I can, to fill my day with work for Him and yet I am beginning to realise that I need to take time out from serving Him and just be with God; worshipping him in the stillness and quiet of my own heart, chatting with God, listening to him, just spending time resting in His presence.

I agree with Mark Yaconelli when he says that if you are a workaholic in the church you are needy and you are in trouble.  So many Christians, ministers and pastors especially, are so busy serving God that we forget to spend time with him; so busy serving God that in their driveness they make others feel pressured, miserable or inadequate: so busy serving God that they are actually far less effective than they would be if they slowed down a bit and took things at God’s pace.

If you are a Christian workaholic for your sake, for the sake of others and for the sake of the Kingdom, please slow down! 

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