As you know from the title of my blog I am a Student Presbyter in the Methodist Church, which means that I’m currently undergoing training to become a Methodist Presbyter (or Minister as they used to be called). Some of that training is, of course, academic. The church likes us to know something about Scripture and Theology before they let us loose on a congregation. Some of the training is practical and we spend time on placement gaining experience of various different Circuits, churches and types of ministry. I spent six months (six-ish hours a week) on placement in a very rural Methodist Circuit. In July I did two weeks looking at a fascinating Fresh Expression of Church. From October to March I will be undertaking a Chaplaincy placement at a local hospital which I am expecting to be very interesting and very challenging. For the month of September I am on placement in the inner city part of a Methodist Circuit in North West England.
There are obviously huge differences between the different types of placement I’ve experienced, but one thing that has been completely consistent where ever I’ve been has been the warmth, hospitality and graciousness of Methodist people. Cups or mugs of tea or coffee have been plentiful (almost too plentiful) and there have been biscuits, cakes and lovely home cooked meals. I have had the immense privilege of being involved with the leading of two funeral services and was humbled that people would trust a trainee with such an important service and occasion in their lives. The churches I’ve preached in or led Bible studies for have been very welcoming and supportive and made me feel really part of their fellowship. Its been hard leaving placements because of some of the wonderful people I’ve met and begun to get to know.
I am especially grateful to those Presbyters who have taken time out of their busy ministries to allow a student to accompany them and learn from them. I hope I didn’t get in the way too much!
If it isn’t sinful I am proud to be part of the gracious, loving and supportive Methodist Community in this country and I look forward to the day when, by the grace of God, I can give back to that community by serving as a Methodist Presbyter.
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