Yesterday was supposed to be, according to evangellical broadcaster Harold Camping the day the Rapture took place, followed by the end of the world In October. By 6pm (or 7pm BST) all true Christian believers would find themselves rising into the air to meet with Jesus. Needless to say, today is now Sunday and the predicted Rapture didn't happen.
Where were you when it didn't happen? I was at home eating a pizza and watching Doctor Who. Imagine if the Rapture had happened then; I'd have been in front of Jesus with a slice of pizza in my hand and a mouth full of salami and motzerella cheese!
The Rapture didn't happen! This meant that the ironing I'd put off in case the Rapture did happen had to be done. At the same time it also meant that I got to see all of a very good episode of Doctor Who. Had the Rapture happened on schedule I would have missed two thirds of it and missed a great cliffhanger. I would also have been annoyed about the amount of work I'd put into three college assignments that would never be assessed.
It is easy to mock Mr Camping, as many are doing today, as the Bible's end time prophecies, found mostly in Revelation but also in some of Paul's letters and the Gospels, are notoriously difficult to understand and interpret. As a Christian I believe that there will come a time when Jesus Christ will return and there will be a new heaven and a new earth but I don't believe that anybody can predict exactly when that will happen. It could be today (maybe mr Camping was a day out in his calculations) or it could be thousands of years from now. We just don't know and cannot predict because Jesus himself said that only God the Father knows exactly when these things will happen.
I hope the return of Jesus will be soon and try to live every day as if it is about to happen; which is what Jesus told us to do as the day of the Lord comes like a thief in the night! I look for the return of Jesus with anticipation and hope, but also try to do my bit for the world right now by loving the Lord our God with all my mind, heart, oul and strength, and loving my neighbour as myself.
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